Bias and Prejudice Quiz

by - July 01, 2022

 Directions: Identify whether the statement for each item shows Bias or Prejudice. Write your answer on the space provided.Submit your answer via my email

_________________ 1. A mentally disabled person should not be allowed to go to school. They do not possess the capacity to learn.

 _________________ 2. A big amount of food was shared with his closest neighbor only. 

_________________ 3. He's considered dumb because his grades in all subjects are poor.

_________________ 4. The newly opened hotel in our town accommodates only rich people.

 _________________ 5. Being a new member of the group, his opinion was rejected during the meeting as the senior officers underrated this.

_________________ 6. The Filipinos were not lucky enough to be selected in the contest because they were considered incompetent to match other countries' strengths. 

_________________ 7. On her birthday, she announces to his classmates that only close friends are invited. 

_________________ 8. All Asians are considered inferior in the knowledge of the international language.

_________________ 9. Posting negative comments in social media about economic status of a family.

_________________ 10. Not serving someone in a restaurant because of their color of skin or race.

_________________ 11. All victims of the typhoon Ulysses were given assistance and food. 

_________________ 12. Those vaccines are offered for free to the rich people only. 

_________________ 13. Handicapped persons are considered impotent. 

_________________ 14. It is believed that Ana won the contest because of her close attachment to the judges.

_________________ 15. Only intelligent students are exempted from the requirements. 

_________________ 16. She should have been isolated to the COVID-19 facility because of her dry cough. _________________ 17. He was compensated based on his effort.

_________________ 18. Hiring low-grade applicants could lead to the company’s bankruptcy.

_________________ 19. Our parents set equal limits and consistent in guiding us in our household tasks.

_________________ 20. Using “He” as a generic pronoun to represent all members of group regardless of gender.

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