22 Life Lessons I Learned at 22
It feels like I’m gonna perform an ACROSTIC presentation soon like what learners usually perform on graduation or I might sing Taylor Swift’s 22 lol😅.
I might hold myself from telling you clichés and unfold some revolutionary concepts which you might learn one or two though, I’m human too with experiences that may reflect yours so please bear with me (as this is my day).
In my head are downpour of ideas that seem daunting to weave in unison, organizing this through a piece of writing is for me a brilliant idea. A safety pin, as there are times I felt like I’m not being myself. I despised the thought of me being cranky as life throw lemons I struggle and complain, find it hard to make my lemonade. I usually search for confidante to console me- which is usually ME and the life lessons I collected stored up on special compartments in my brain, remind me to maintain equilibrium on how I view things and be fair when I take actions. Let me share with you the contents of these:
22 Life Lessons I Learned at 22
22. You are you
The world is your runway but this does not mean you are the perfect model. Dear, love your flaws. You may not have that silky hair, snow white complexion, no-pores face, pointed nose, etc. - Remember that among all the people in the universe you are the only distinct Catherine. The opportunity given to you to live a lifetime on this world is more than enough to thank for. You are loved, you are treasured, and you are accepted by Him, that’s all that matters.
21. Less is plenty
This materialistic world may invite you to hoard, oh there are bunch of wonderful things on various stores but remember that life is not all about number of possessions. Owning a lot accompanies baggage of rubbish you may not realize until you declutter. Remember the versatility of basic items that constitute to plenty things (I love those minimalist people living with few things but experiencing the luxury of convenience).
20. Adjust your Expectation to lessen disappointments
Sometimes you have certain standard set, to comply by those who surrounds you and you feel down and pissed when they fail to make it with you. I hope you recognize the imperfection of man and tune down that expectation to attain peace of mind. Then the crease of disappointment will be soon smooth with better interpersonal relationship with others.
19. Fill your pockets with generosity
You’ve been there on a situation which you opted to refuse to buy a “ticket to entry” for someone because you thought your finances may decline (it’s a lame excuse) and ended up, joining her on a delayed trip and carrying that heavy conscience why your selfishness stinks as your friend was obviously sad. I hope you fill that extra space of generosity in your pockets, even if you don’t have anything in return.
18. Don’t rush to conclusion
One thing about Science is the concept it’s infamous of- Scientific Method. It’s a systematic procedure of pursuing knowledge. In life, you may be acquainted with many people. As you get along with them, take it easy, don’t take the shortcut of judging. Remember that everyone has their own circumstances to deal with. Conclusion is usually the last part dear.
17. Work as “Story Time”
You may have 50 items on your To Do list, wash a mountain of laundry, fill 20 containers with water, and so on- I tell you, just like any type of stories it will END. Just bear the difficulties, complaining is another effort you will spend to waste, so better forget it. Slowly but surely, work any task by increments and you will have your happy ever after ending.
16. Dilemmas serve as savory to life
Life is a Drama of mixed emotions and struggles. Even comedy is supposed to be associated with dilemmas so it’s funnier and realistic. See? Problems are part of life dear, don’t take it as overload burden but a test of endurance and sound principles. At the end of the day you profit an unbend lesson you’ll never forget and might use as shield when another challenge prevails.
15. It’s no big deal, it’s flotsam and jetsam
Getting too serious of the things around you is a choker of guts and killjoy of festivities: Worry about the approval of your presentation, it’s no big deal; Afraid about not meeting the expectation set by people around you, it’s no big deal; Hesitant on your own, seems to be stagnant journey, it’s no big deal. It’s not the end of your life if you don’t achieve it all. You also have your own season, maybe not now but soon.
Do observe balance dear, splash life with some calming meditation, short walk in the park, and some humor too. Laughter amid chaos is a medicine that heals anxieties.
14. Criticism is a cure and sometimes an attack
Cultural diversity is a like a rainbow of promised kaleidoscopic nature of man until they exhibit offensive act against each other due to the differences of their individual perspectives, (truly we have our own boundary of wisdom which somebody don’t and vice versa).
The point is, your circle of friends, acquaintances, and even strangers have some opinion about you. Their feedback towards your action are sometimes in a form of suggestions, which is good, a constructive criticism that serve as avenue to cure your frailties. The disturbing catalyst is this another form- an implied bully that attack your ego and enrage you- remember to give certain allowances for this people. Be courageous and speak up this matter to them. By this way, both the party will eventually untangle certain issue, forgive each other and eventually reconcile. Your peace of mind will thank you and love will be on the air.
13. Let out your sentiments
Being shy and overly humble are traits that you seldom concealed through animated version of you, yet at times innately reveal itself. To dear me that I failed to protect against a not so good and unfair deeds by some fellows, next time you shall shout out whatever sentiments you have. Dear, you have all the right to voice your side.
12. Call it a night
To all the K-dramas that made you laugh, cry, thrill, learn, and love that sometimes you find it hard to move-on from the aftershocks of a particular series you watched and tend to search the characters online. Trace if there’s a possibility that the story extends to real life and almost, results were none. I hope you’ll not confused it with the real world and as much as you really wanted to finish it the whole day and night because you hate the “hanging” feeling, that is enough. Call it a night and learn that the best way to enjoy the drama is by watching it with 100% consciousness, avoiding that panda eyebags and dizziness because of that sleepless sacrifice, area of the living dead.
11. There’s always door for opportunities as there’s room for improvements
You have time for leisure, time for procrastination and a time of daydreaming habits worth to indulge with and then, trying to work your ass off until the symptoms of the two tasks mentioned at the beginning felt again and ended up, cancelling the habits (and crying inside).
The clock always moves forward dear: Try new habits, get out of your comfort zone and knock off those opportunities to learn and never give up your investment on improving yourself to the maximum of your potentials.
10. Use android app to your advantage
A one second press of turning that data ON is sometimes, a whole day turmoil of unending scroll. Sometimes you question yourself: Are you satisfying your need to socialize with others, for entertainment purposes, and filling your bucket with knowledge or you’re just doing it for an unspecified reason and ending up majoring idleness?
Our forefathers might have great expectation on us, imagine with just small amount of effort, overload pieces of information, tutors, entertainment around the globe pop up on our screen like magic- we could be so creative and brilliant!
The thing is, you should use this opportunity at your advantage. Surf thoughtful sites, subscribe to useful channel, follow inspiring people and slay useless stuff.
9. Version 2.0 by Reading
Your growth hormones might ceased to appear oh dear, it just don’t end there. Proof prevails how your perspective differs on the book you read years ago versus now. Bear in mind that no matter how you adore watching series for entertainment sake, reading books is so much better. It allows you to slip yourself to the characters, you escape on the new world it unfolds and every now and then, when you look at the mirror, you will never be your old version again.
8. Take time to pause
There are certain things you can’t decipher until you have that first-hand experience of how it truly works on.
You seem on a hurry to finish the track of schooling and achieve your dreams, but when you’re on the field you aspire for, you realize it’s good to be back to those carefree youth days. You never know adulting could be this tough, but you have no choice than to continue. My dear, take a breather from time to time. Reward yourself by resting, buying the things you wish to have, eating your favourite foods, or even travel. Then, you can recharge yourself and continue the battle with resilience, new, and fresh vibe.
7. Obey parents, they know best
The early days of our lives are conditioned to be dependent to our parents, well that’s innate as we don’t have superpowers to do necessary tasks alone at such young age. But, as we grow older we develop certain qualities to be independent. There’s a point that we opposed the decision our parents made because we think that we are right, we are capable enough to handle the results of our actions, and we’re told that we are the boss of our own life story and ended up, tasting the bitterness of regrets and “what if’s”.
Remember that, parents are one of the best advisers. Their suggestions are always in line with meaningful objectives for the betterment of your life, mould with their own years of experiences (take note your age gap) - always take consideration of their insights and obey.
6. Self-affirmation is effective, tested and proven
No matter how arduous a task is, it’s all about how you convince and affirm yourself. Say “I can do it.”- repeat if necessary, fire that inner drive and your doubts will soon be faded. See? It’s effective. The point is, never lose conviction on yourself. If someone is capable of making something happen, so do you.
5. Choose happiness
How blessed are we to have the “free will” to design our own destiny. Each of us are enthroned to choose- this decision we account, equals consequences.
Whatever phase of life you may be, always choose the thing that makes your heart flutter, makes you happy.
4. Success is best celebrated with Humility
You will be put to herculean task and sweaty road, soon you will have the season of reaping- you deserve that dear. Remind yourself: don’t take it up your head instead, humble yourself and gratify those people behind your breakthroughs. Thank them, share presents, and do noble on compliance to the opportunities landed on you.
3. Carpe Diem. Live your life, as if it’s your last
In one corner of our house is this familiar sheet of numbers that seem to be repeatedly occurring. It’s counting themselves, a cycle of days, months, and year. Our calendar is a witness of those days behind and forward. Every day is no trivial, it’s unique, it’s a gift, and it’s a miracle. Days always moves forward and if it pass, it will never ever come back. No replay just flashback. That’s why you should never take it for granted. Do the things you wish to do on the daily basis, say the things you’re holding on, express love to those who surrounds you. Live every second of your life, as if it’s your last.
2. Live a significant life
Dwelling a lifetime on this world will be worthwhile if you understand the purpose of yours and able to actualize it. Reaching one’s dream is not a guarantee of a meaningful life, it’s merely a segment of it. Exert effort and continually thrive on filling your life as a noble steward of God, establish good companionship with family members and friends, accomplish your calling (teaching) help the youth on pursuit of good attitude, knowledge, and skills, strengthen interpersonal relationship with others, and own your life. As a reminder of the life you live will be a happy soul.
1. Make God your #1 priority and the rest will follow
The big chunk of puzzle that will complete the life of man is the presence of God. The distinct joy of worshipping God, is totally the best feeling in the universe. That’s why whatever happens, Seek the kingdom of God above all else, and He will give you everything you need (Luke 12:31).
(I thank God for allowing me to meet persons that made me reunite with Him. His precious words made miracles in my life, that’s why I embedded it on my daily routine of reading the gospel, familiarizing verses and actualizing good deeds, and keep praying).
Those are but a preview of the compartments I talked about, as there’s a lot of what’s life yet to offer. As for now it seems that the chapter written on MY book slipped too fast and I can’t barely hold it back. No wonder at times I forget that I’m on the new, those nostalgia were all written to fill each chapters and sometimes certain words haunt me. I’m blessed and thankful, still I continue holding the pen crafting the fate of my composition.
(Currently singing Taylor Swift’s 22, I leave it to your imagination haha!)