by - November 21, 2018

The kind of arrangements that had rooted, days within four-corner room waiting for sense. Natural advantages of reading, browsing phone for music and videos, eat, sleep-repeat. Mere monotonous, no fancy steering.

By means of their cheerful words;subsidizing boredom on track of something, an exceptional opportunity to reconnect with nature.

The remaining days in DEBESMSCAT prior to our off-campus teaching were planned to establish plenty of study sessions. I promised to myself, I shall review and master some aspects of my major. Every night I lie on my bed, bound with satisfaction, as I have been making the mentioned activity part of my routine and I feel, let's say, experiencing progress.

The invitation was conversed with promise adventure. I declined. For I thought, this might a kind of waste of time and I felt lazy thinking the notion of walking miles away. I refused.

Conflicting thoughts flitted across my mind. Debating on either to accept the inducement or not, to have an adventure for a while or to accomplish chunks of my routine.

Good times may strike on one event and if such pass, the chance of being part on it will never, ever come back. And if you miss, well you're sorry. Simple as that, I changed my mind and rose to do my thing,primping.

Hours on walking, I was captivated by the wide expanse blue strip of horizon with clouds scattering like an icing on a cake; of infinite saturated green pigment leaves of thousand kinds of plants; of different kinds  of birds, insects, and specific animals like cow,sheep and carabao scattering around- all bordered with mountains-pretty terrific awesome planet!

Earth is an arena of unbelievable beauty. Oddly, it wasn't designed to spoil us with all its magnificence for free though there are rarely exemptions.

The specific destination rectified my assumptions. Unquestionably, it seemed I won the jackpot. Few words could be twisted and quoted out of a context-I never regretted why I joined.

Working continually is like burning the candle in the middle as well as on both ends, we might end burn-out. Let us never forget to treat ourselves with reward and relaxation we, at all sake, deserve❤.

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